How to change the camera angle in 2k21

NBA 2K21 is the latest game in the world-renowned, best-selling NBA 2K series, and it features best in class graphics and action-packed gameplay. NBA 2k21 also includes competitive and community online games, as well as a wide range of game modes. NBA 2K21 is a one-of-a-kind experience that immerses you in all aspects of NBA basketball and culture.

However, to make the best of the game you need to be able to customize the game experience to meet your needs and preferences. And as expected, NBA 2K series gives gamers many ways of tailoring their experience.

One important option is the ability to change one’s perspective of the action by changing camera angles. If you’re playing NBA 2K21, and you are looking to change your view of the action, here’s how to do it.

There are several camera angles to choose from, so you should be able to best suit your need. In NBA 2K21, switching camera angles is a breeze. The only trick is to know when to do it. Some gamers find this a little puzzling and get frustrated looking for it within the main menu settings in the NBA 2K21 game. You cannot change or set the camera angle until you have started the game.

  1. If you’re playing on PlayStation or Xbox One, then bring up the menu by pressing options and bring up the pause menu.
  2. Then scroll down to Camera and select it. Within the Camera option, you will find your choices: Drive, High, Nosebleeds, Parametric, Player Lock, Side, Skybox, Swivel, 2K, and 2K Low.

Pressing the trigger button/ bumper buttons will allow you to quickly cycle through these choices, you can see the preview as you cycle through the choices, so you can easily make the choice that seems right to you.

You would not know which is the best option for you without trying them out. You might enjoy the High option, but you may realize that your gameplay is actually better when you’re on player lock mode.

2K is a popular camera option among gamers as you can see the entire forward court. The drive option with key zoom off is also a great choice, but sometimes while driving forward the 3-point line seems to disappear. Skybox is good for seeing the whole team at once in their positions, and broadcast generic, like the name suggests, is the kind you’d see on TV. But you really must give these options a try and see which one works for you.

These are, however, preset options. Within each camera preset you can then also tweak the camera settings in terms of height, zoom, and more. Meddle further and create your own custom camera angle. Adjust the camera angle uniquely, and then save that custom setting.

To customize your camera angle, follow steps 1 and 2 as discussed earlier, then when you’re flipping through your choices, choose to edit the preset.

  1. Select different options, such as zoom, height, key zoom, rev angle, auto flip, fix height, and flip style. If you choose a low angle in the game as it allows you to have better viewing. Changing these settings will edit your preset, but don’t worry, if you feel you’ve gone a little overboard, you can easily choose to reset to defaults.
  1. After you are done choosing the setting, press the back button and accept the prompt to save your setting before you exit. This preset is saved to your account. Regardless of which game mode you’re playing in, once you’ve modified the camera angle and settings, they’ll be remembered for future use. 

However, if you’re playing Neighborhood mode, pressing options will not bring up your menu. You will need to press right on the d-pad to customize your camera angle. So, now you know how to change the camera angle in 2K21. Happy scoring.

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